Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Software Chooses the User!

Being a student affiliated with the computer science department and a reader of Harry Potter I thought this was a very apt post!

We have been given a group task, in that each of us has to know how to use different softwares to manipulate different areas of our project. This is where the problem came. Everyone has to know how to use all the software. As we were each giving it a go we found out that indeed, some of us were able to immediately use a certain software whereas others did not have the same luck or ability should I say.

This is like the case of the wands in Harry Potter, the wands choose the user. The magic able to be produced by the computer is controlled by the software and the ability of using the software is only possible to those with "the touch". So next time don't worry if a certain software is giving you a lot of trouble and isn't your niche.
Remember there is always a piece of software out there that is made especially for you and works best in your hands!


Priya said...

hey!! :) welcome back to blogging!!


Alok said...

interesting analogy .. well done

and thank you for leaving a comment on Lapsus Calami. appreciated


Jeevan said...

Hi preethi, glad to have u back:) how are u?

without knowing anything about the software its hard to operate.

PreethZzZ said...

priya: thx... i look forward to keepin the DD traditions alive! ;) us two can do it together... ;)

alok: thx.. good to get some appreciation...

jeevan: :-) glad to be bak.. i'm doing fine... yep i guess so... some ppl can just work out some softwares immediately tho... so its all dependent on the touch!