Friday, April 25, 2008

The Vanishing Act

Hey all,

I know its been almost a decade since I've blogged (ok slight exaggeration there). Did I vanish? Not completely, I'm still here. In the time I've been away so many topics to blog have come into my mind while I am not at the computer and usually just before I am going to sleep. Then next day when I am at the computer I have a billion other stuff to do (another "slight" exaggeration) and the topics completely just disappear. Those things must be in the sub-conscious mind of mine and waiting to be written to just vanish out of my mind and onto the net once and for all.

Yes thats what happens to me. If I write or am asked to talk about something, soon after the topic totally vanishes out of my head. It becomes like I never knew about the topic and have just transferred all of my knowledge about that topic onto others. I promise this is a true story. In high school, chemistry (one of my not so favorite subjects) I knew I understood the subject. That was proven as I used to teach others in the class all the concepts. Yet when it came to tests or exams for some odd reason exactly what I taught my friends would have disappeared out of my head.

However I would know very well that just the other day I had clearly explained every nuance about that particular topic to my friends and in the end they would end up getting full marks in those sections whereas me, half if I was lucky. How is this possible? Beats me! I have not heard of anyone else having this problem and it seems rather bizarre because I know for sure the knowledge used to be there. Perhaps I just suppress it deep deep deep down in my mind, making it too difficult to find when I am under pressure. Can anyone think of any other logical explanations for this? Or has anyone had this happen to them? Bizarre is all I can say!


cm chap said...

Ha Ha. What an excellent coverup for not updatg the blog? :-)

May b ur havg exams sydnrome in early age and now blog syndrome :-)

BTW, how did u hop into my blog?

Compassion Unlimitted said...

Hi,thats interesting.Going blank has happened to me too several times.Much later I realised that mind was not in the PRESENT but preoccupied with some issues which without my realisation were bothering me ,and making my memory a VOLATILE memory !!
It was a brief period though for about six months.So I feel you will come over it ,once you know whats ,if at all , anything is bothering you deep inside
RELAX,everything is going to be fine

cm chap said...

What hap to the comments I wrote?

PreethZzZ said...

cm-chap: hmmm not entirely sure... possibility that you may have previously commented on my blog.. or commented on someone elses blog tht i visited... but ur name is rather familiar!! the comments u write only get published if i approve! :P

compassion unlimited: haha i am relaxed and all... this thing of saying stuff and then the stuff disappearing from my mind has been happening for a long time!! don't know what syndrome it is.. LOL!

Its not a good excuse not to blog!! no excuse is good enough for that... haha