Thursday, August 20, 2009


Just a thought. When we as people care so sincerely for those who are near and dear to us (our friends and family), why is the same care not extended onto other things. Below are a few examples:

People really care about their children however they do not necessary care about the environment or about creating a sustainable future for the next and subsequent generations.

Another example is animal lovers not being vegetarians? This has always stumped me. If you love animals how can you want to eat one, something that is living and breathing? There is the argument that plants and such are alive and have micro-organisms on them. But the response is that people should try to do the least possible damage they can. We can counter the effect of us eating plants by planting and caring for the plants.

On a general note, why is it that people care for those who are near and dear and around them and not for those who are obviously underprivileged and in need of help? Its a lot to do with people wanting to give what they get, but its also a lot to do with people not realising that there is more in this world then themselves and their close circle.

So here comes my point. If people just thought outside of the box or self created enclosure and started thinking and acting for the sake of the general good, this world would be a much better place! Whether it be environmental issues, poverty or any of the other crucial issues in the world today, thinking outside of the box and extending care to more than just those you generally do would do a world of good for everyone!

Put yourselves in other people's shoes for a split second and see what you can do to help them! Spread the love with empathy and action! :D

1 comment:

Sudhamshu said...

Easier said than done. And probably not all correct when you extend it to a larger context.
It is either selfishness as a person or selfish interest (for good) of a society. But what is good for one society turns out bad for another. There is no common good in reality. All said & done, little things can be done. The world will not change with them, but it will certainly bring a few smiles :)